Official website Edition 9.11.2025

Legal notice

1. Identity of the owner of the present web site

In compliance with the Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Business, we would inform you that the owner of is:

Company name:
Club Deportivo Fortuna
Tax no.:
Paseo de Pío Baroja, 47, 20008, Donostia-San Sebastián.
943 314 859
Registered Data:
Asociación nº105. Registro General de Asociaciones del Departamento de Justicia Empleo y Seguridad Social del Gobierno Vasco.

2. General conditions for the use of this web site

Access to this web page confers the condition of "User" thus implying your express and unreserved acceptance of the general conditions which are published in at the moment you access the website. Therefore, the User is obliged to read the present general conditions of use each time he/she proposes to access the page and, as the case may be, use the services provided via this website, as there may be modifications.

In this sense, "User" shall be understood to be the person who accesses, navigates, uses or participates in the services and activities, free or onerous, developed in

2.1. Aim and scope of application

These general terms and conditions of use govern the access, browsing, service contracting and use of, in addition to the responsibilities arising from the use of its contents, such as texts, graphics, drawings, designs, codes, software, photographs, music, videos, sound, databases, images, expressions and information, as well as any other creation protected by national laws and international treaties on intellectual and industrial property.

Club Deportivo Fortuna may establish specific conditions that shall apply to the use and/or contracting of specific services, the present general terms and conditions being of supplementary application. In the event of a contradiction between what is established in the particular conditions and the general conditions, the application of the particular conditions shall prevail.

2.2. Conditions on access and use of services

  1. a) Access to in principle is free and gratuitous. However, some of the services and contents may be subject to a previous service or product contract, and in such cases the particular conditions created for the purpose.
  2. b) At all times, the User must make legal use of the services of the present website, in accordance with the present general conditions, current legislation, morals and public order, as well as generally accepted practices on Internet.
  3. c) The User ensures that all the information provided through the forms included in this website is legal, real, exact, true and updated. It is the exclusive responsibility of the User to notify Club Deportivo Fortuna immediately of any modification that might arise in the information supplied.
  4. d) The User shall abstain from: introducing viruses, programmes, macros or any sequence of characters with the aim of damaging or altering the computer systems of this website; obstructing access to other users by the massive consumption of resources; collecting data included in this web page with publicity aims; reproducing, copying, distributing, transforming or placing at the disposal of third parties the contents included in this web page; carrying out actions through the services included in this web page which might harm the copyright, industrial secrets, contractual commitments, rights of the honour, personal image and intimacy of third parties; undertaking disloyal competitive actions and illegal publicity.
  5. e) If the User, in order to use and/or contract services in, should be required to register, he/she will be responsible for supplying true and legal information. If, as a result of registration, the User is provided with a password, he/she undertakes to make diligent use of and to keep secret the password in order to access these services. Consequently, the Users are responsible for the appropriate custody and confidentiality of any identification words and/or passwords supplied to them, and undertake not to facilitate these to third persons, whether temporary or permanent, nor to allow access to unrelated persons. The User is solely responsible for the unlawful use of the services by any unlawful third party who should use for such purposes a password for reasons of non-diligent use or the loss of such by the User. In the case of robbery, loss or unauthorised access to your passwords, the User will be responsible for notifying Club Deportivo Fortuna immediately in order to proceed with their cancellation. In no circumstance shall Club Deportivo Fortuna be held responsible for the actions carried out by unauthorised third parties until said notification has been given by the User.

3. Copyright and industrial property rights

Club Deportivo Fortuna is the owner of the copyright and industrial property rights of all the elements that make up, including the brand, commercial name or distinctive mark. Protected by royalties, in particular, yet not limiting, are the graphic design, source code, logotypes, texts, graphs, illustrations, photographs, sound and other elements contained in the web site.

Under no circumstances does access or navigation on, imply total or partial renunciation, transmission or licence of the Club Deportivo Fortuna for personal use to the User of their copyright and industrial rights of ownership.

For this, the User acknowledges that the reproduction, copying, distribution, commercialisation, transformation, reuse, public communication and in general any other form of exploitation by whatever procedure of all or part of the contents of, without express authorisation in writing by the Club Deportivo Fortuna, constitute a breach of their copyright and/or industrial rights of ownership.

4. Responsibilities and guarantees

  1. Information published may undergo variations, for example, availability of services, categories or prices. Consequently, the legal conditions that are published in at the time of entering into the contract will be applicable to the User.
  2. Club Deportivo Fortuna declares that they have adopted both technical and organisational measures which, depending on their possibilities and state of the technology, allow the correct functioning of the web and the absence of viruses and damaging components. However, they are not able to accept responsibility for: (a) the continuity and availability of the contents and services offered in; (b) the absence of errors in these contents or the correction of any defect that might arise; (c) the absence of viruses and/or other harmful components in; (d) the indefeasibility of the safety measures adopted; (e) the damage caused by any person to the safety systems of
  3. The User will be solely responsible before third parties, for any communication sent personally or in his/her name to, as well as the unlawful use of the contents and services contained in this web site.
  4. Club Deportivo Fortuna reserves the right to suspend temporarily and without previous notification, access to, for reasons of maintenance, repairs, updatings or improvements. Circumstances allowing, Club Deportivo Fortuna in their website will publish notification of the expected date for the interruption in the services.
  5. Links to other web pages which, as the case may be, exist in may take you to websites for which Club Deportivo Fortuna does not accept any responsibility, as they have no control over them, their purpose being to inform the User of other sources of information, therefore the User at his/her exclusive responsibility accesses the content and under the conditions of use which govern such sites. Club Deportivo Fortuna cannot assume responsibility for the content of web pages of third parties who decide to include hyperlinks in our website.
  6. Club Deportivo Fortuna is not responsible for the use which Users may make of the contents and services included in their website, nor that they actually respect the present conditions of use. In any case, Club Deportivo Fortuna reserves the possibility of adopting the corresponding legal measures and initiating the necessary procedures for assigning responsibilities, for actions contrary to current legislation, ethics or public order, as well as warning and removing any expressions that are racist, discriminatory, sexist, slanderous, offensive, obscene or which contravene the most elementary ethical norms.

5. Privacy Policy

In Club Deportivo Fortuna we are firmly committed to the maximum respect of the privacy of our Users. All the information regarding the processing which your personal data will receive is available in the following link: Privacy Policy.

6. Cookies Policy

This web page uses cookies. All the information related to the processing which your personal data will receive is available in the following link: Cookie Policy.

7. Duration and modification

  1. Club Deportivo Fortuna reserves the right to modify, totally or partially, the present general conditions of access, publishing changes in Likewise, they may, without previous warning, make any modifications they consider necessary in the website, by changing, removing or adding the contents and services they offer, and the form in which these appear presented or located. Consequently, the general conditions published at the time the User accesses shall be understood to be in force so the User is recommended to read these conditions periodically.
  2. Apart from the particular conditions, Club Deportivo Fortuna may terminate, cancel or interrupt, at any time and without previous warning, access to the contents of the web page without the User being able to demand any type of compensation.

8. Applicable legislation and jurisdictional competence

The relations established between Club Deportivo Fortuna and the User shall be governed by current regulations on the applicable legislation and the competent jurisdiction. However, for those cases in which the regulations foresee the possibility of the parties submitting themselves to a judicial power, this power shall be the Courts and Tribunals of the city of San Sebastian.